
School of Crystallography

MRes programme

bullet Structural Biology
bullet Bioinformatics with
empy bullet image Systems Biology

MRes Bioinformatics with Systems Biology

bullet Lectures & practicals
bullet Research project

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MRes studentships

We have MRes studentships available for entry in October 2012. Further information is available here.

Deadlines for current MRes students

Literature review deadline
17.00, 23 January, 2012

Oral presentation
14.00 -16.00, 2 February, 2012

Thesis outline
By the end of June 2012

Thesis draft
To supervisor for feedback by end of July 2012. Exact timing to be agreed in advance with supervisor.

Deadline for submitting thesis:
17.00, 3 September 2012

MRes viva
14.00 - 16.00, 27 September 2012

MRes Bioinformatics with Systems Biology

Lectures and practicals

Information about lectures and practicals

The course involves lectures and practicals from our highly successful MSc Bioinformatics with Systems Biology, one of the longest established bioinformatics courses in the UK. MRes students choose 2 modules from each of groups A and B below:

Computational/ statistical areas (Group A)

Autumn term

Spring term

Autumn term

Autumn term

Biological areas (Group B)

Autumn term

Spring term

Spring term

Spring term

Other requirements

Students also attend the following lectures throughout the year: